The January - March  Extraordinary Minister Schedule is in the PDF file at the bottom of the page. If you know of anyone who wants to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Communion, please have them contact me at


To become an Extraordinary Minister, you must complete the following:

  • Attend the Orlando Diocesan Training. I need to send your registration before the class starts on Wednesday. This form must be typed and signed by Fr. Chris. You can use this link to access the Orlando Diocese Eucharistic Minister Registration Information form and print it out.  The training fee is $10.00, and it can be paid online, or you can send in a check. To register, click on the name of the Church you would like to attend the training. This will go to Eventbrite so you can register and pay for the class.
  • Attend a short training to learn the different areas of our Church.

 Click here to see the Available Diocese Training Classes scroll down the page or click here to view the pdf of the schedule.

The Diocese Guideline for Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion


Renewal of Mandate for Currently Mandated EMHCs

Beginning in January 2018, the process for the renewal of mandates issued by Bishop Noonan will change. If the pastor of a given parish wishes to request a renewal of the EMHC mandate that is to expire for a given individual, they must submit the appropriate form, “Petition for the Renewal of Mandate for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.” (EMHC) The petition for renewal may be used for single or multiple individuals by attaching a separate page containing the name(s) of the individual(s). As stated on the original petition submitted for NEW EMHCs, the Pastor is responsible for ensuring that each individual EMHC receives ongoing formation throughout the five-year period. As mandates are only valid for a five-year period, those who wish to continue this ministry will receive a new mandate. However, the mandate will be recorded clerically in the Office of Liturgy. The Petition for the Renewal of Mandate will be signed by the Bishop and returned to the parish with the attached list of names. This information is to be recorded at the parish with appropriate notation made in the individual ministry file of the EMHC.



IMPORTANT: Please email me at or call 321-298-2054 with your unavailable dates, updated email addresses, and phone numbers.


You can view a list of all Eucharistic Ministers here.


Thanks, Caroline Achee


The current schedule is available below:

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